Publications scientifiques

Au sein de Phytosynthese, l'innovation est importante pour parfaire les connaissances dans le domaine du bien-être animal. Toutes les publications que vous trouverez ci-dessous ont été approuvées et publiées dans des revues, des posters, lors de congrès, ou symposiums.

Toutes ces recherches sont le fruit de travaux collaboratifs avec nos équipes et nos partenaires. Ce qui nous permet aussi de vous offrir des services adaptés à vos besoins.

Journal of Animal Sciences

Use of rosemary, oregano, and a commercial blend of essential oils in broiler chickens: In vitro antimicrobial activities and effects on growth performance

Mathlouthi N., Bouzaienne N., Oueslati I., Recoquillay F., Hamdi M., Urdaci M. and Bergaoui R.
#Antimicrobialactivity #BroilerChicken #Essentialoil #Growthperformance #Oregano #Rosemary
Meat Sciences

Plant extracts combined with vitamin E in PUFA-rich diets of cull cows protect processed beef against lipid oxidation

Gobert M., Gruffat D., Habeanu M., Parafita E., Bauchart D., Durand D.
#Lipidoxidation #Plantextracts #PUFA #Beef #Ageing #Packaging
Journal of Dairy Science

Plant polyphenols associated with vitamin E can reduce plasma lipoperoxidation in dairy cows given n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Gobert M., Martin B., Ferlay A, Chilliard Y., Graulet B., Pradel P., Bauchart D., Durand D.
#lipoperoxidation #antioxidant #plasma #plantextracts
Archiva Zootechnica

Lipids and fatty acid composition of Longissimus thoracis and Semitendinosus muscles in finishing Normand cows

Habeanu M., Durand D., Gobert M., Bauchart D.
#Cullcows #extrudedlinseed #antioxidants #fattyacids #lipidclasses
British Journal of Nutrition

Bioavailability and antioxidant capacity of plant extracts rich in polyphenols, given as a single acute dose, in sheep made highly susceptible to lipoperoxidation

Gladine C., Rock E., Morand C., Bauchart D. et Durand D.
#Polyphenols #Bioavailability #Antioxidant #Ruminant #n-3PUFA
Animal Feed Science and Technology

Plant extracts rich in polyphenols (PERP) are efficient antioxidants to prevent lipoperoxidation in plasma lipids from animals fed n-3 PUFA supplemented diets

Gladine C., Morand C., Rock E., Bauchart D. et Durand D.
#Botanicals #Antioxidant #Lipid #Peroxidation #Rat #Plasma
Animal Feed Science and Technology

The antioxidative effect of plant extracts rich in polyphenols differs between liver and muscle tissues in rats fed n-3 PUFA rich diets

Gladine C., Morand C., Rock, E., Gruffat D., Bauchart D. et Durand D.
#Plantextract #Polyphenolsn-3PUFA # Lipoperoxidation #Tissue
Journal of Animal Science

Effect of supplemental tryptophan, vitamin E, and a herbal product

Peeters E., Driessen B., Steegmans R., Henot D., Geers R.
#HeartRate #Herbsandbotanicals #Pig #Stress #Tryptophan #VitaminE

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