#Event – EAAP- Annual meeting
8 August 2023
In July, the magazine Filières Avicoles focused on the various means of combating red mites. The magazine outlined:
✔️ the mites characteristics, mode of emptying, hiding places;
✔️ their impact on livestock farming;
✔️ the various means of control, including our #PhytoDerm solution.
What is #PhytoDerm? It’s a supplementary feed based on plant extracts, which can be integrated into programs to combat red mites.
➜ If you missed the article, go to https://www.filieres-avicoles.com/technique/le-pou-rouge-les-differents-moyens-de-lutte
And if you’d like to find out more about our solutions, contact us!
#Phytosynthese #Poultry #PhytoDerm #FilieresAvicoles