Scientific publications

At Phytosynthese, innovation is important in order to improve the knowledge in the field of animal welfare. All the publications you will find below have been approved and published in journals, posters, congresses, or symposiums.

All this research is the result of collaborative work with our teams and partners. This also allows us to offer you services adapted to your needs.



73rd Annual meeting of European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP)

Effect of botanical compounds fed to breeders on laying and chick performances

Carlu C., Chabrillat T., Alleno C., Manceaux C., Bouvet R., Kerros S.
#Naturalcompounds #Chickquality #Performances #Broiler #Breeders
7e journées de la recherche piscicole (JRFP)

Impact de l’utilisation de composés botaniques sur la réduction de l’enterite chez le saumon atlantique (Salmo salar)

Fagnon S., Chabrillat T., Kerros S.
#Réponsesinflammatoires #Enterite #Salmonidés #Cytokines #Immunomodulation
14e journées de la Recherche Avicole et palmipèdes à fois gras (France)

Etude In vitro sur l’effet de phytoactifs non volatiles contre Histomonas Meleagridis

Carlu C., Girard C., Chabrillat T., Schuler D., Liebhart D., Kerros S.
#Histomonose #Dindes #Phytoactifs #Huileessentielle
International Poultry Scientific Forum (USA)

In-vitro evaluation of plant bio-actives against Histomonas Meleagridis

Chabrillat T., Carlu C., Girard C., Bonal N., Kerros S.
#Histomonas #Plantbioactives #Essentialoils
AFRAQ (Egypt)

In vitro assessment of antimicrobial activities of some essential oils against bacterial infectious fish pathogens

Fagnon M.S., Fournel C., Chabrillat T., Kerros S., Calvez S.
#Bacteriostatic #Fish #Pathogens #Essentialoils #Aquacutlure
World Poultry Congres (Online)

In vitro antiprotozoal action of 7 spices, medicinal plants and essential oils against 3 stages of Eimeria tenella

Girard C., Silvestre A., Chabrillat T., Kerros S.
#Phytoactives #Eimeriatenella #Invasion #Sporulation
World Poultry Congres (Online)

Effect of essential oils based additive on implementation of ileal microbiome of broilers with metagenomic analysis

Chabrillat T., Girard C., Kerros S.
#Essentialoils #Ilealmicrobiota #Starterperiod #Broilers
12th International Symposium on Gut Microbiology (France)

In vitro evaluation of the antimethanogenic potential of a Asteraceae plant extract

Mora B., Macheboeuf D., Cornu A., Chabrillat T., Guillaume S., Kerros S., Popova M.
#Archea #Methaneinhibition #Phytoactive #Ruminants

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