Scientific publications

At Phytosynthese, innovation is important in order to improve the knowledge in the field of animal welfare. All the publications you will find below have been approved and published in journals, posters, congresses, or symposiums.

All this research is the result of collaborative work with our teams and partners. This also allows us to offer you services adapted to your needs.



2nd International Conference on Necrotic Enteritis (USA)

In vitro comparison of the growth inhibition concentration of 2 agents (essential oil blend and antibiotic) against 8 probiotics and C. perfringens from monogastric gut flora

Deuveriou I., Mercier L., Girard C., Chabrillat T., Kerros S.
#Essentialoils #Salinomycicne #Microbiota
Journées de la recherche porcine (France)

Effet d’un mélange d’actifs végétaux sélectionnés pour leurs actions respiratoire et immunostimulante sur les performances de croissance et l’état général de porcelets en post-sevrage

Boutry C., Alleno C., Chabrillat T., Kerros S.
#Phytoactives #Piglets #Inflammation
Journées Nationales des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (France)

Évaluation de l’utilisation d’extraits végétaux pour la prévention de la cryptosporidiose chez le veau

Chabrillat T., Kumprechtova D., Kerros S.
#Cryptosporidiumparvum #Veaux #Phytoactifs
10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (France)

Association rule mining to help detect plant phenolic compounds putatively involved in decreased ruminal methane production in vitro

Macheboeuf D., Guillaume S., Leguay C., Kerros S., Cornu A.
#Phenoliccompounds #Methane production #Data mining #Ruminants
10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (France)

An antimethanogenic index for meadow plants consumed by ruminants

Macheboeuf D., Cornu A., Kerros S., Recoquillay F.
#Phenoliccompounds #Methaneproduction #Ruminants
27th european grassland federation general meeting (Ireland)

Effect of plant extract based additives against coccidiosis development of lambs

Chabrillat T.,Kumprechtova D., Illek J., Kerros S.
#Eimeria #Phytoactives #Metabolicstatus #Lambs
Rencontre Recherche Ruminants (France)

Un AMI (Anti-Méthanogène Indice) qui veut du bien à votre prairie

Macheboeuf D., Cornu A., Kerros S., Recoquillay F.
#Composésphénoliques #Méthane #Ruminants
Integrating Dairy Science Globally Annual Meeting (USA)

Effect of top dressing plant extract in early lactating Holstein cow: milk yield, milk composition, plasma lipomobilization indicators and body condition score

Cadudal B., Kumprechtova D., Jancik F.
#Phytoactives #Milkproduction #Lactation #Dairycows

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